Homesteading on 1 acre!

Homesteading is a state of mind. It can be done anywhere. You don’t need huge amounts of property to start living intentionally.

We aim to inspire you to start living more simply and enjoying the fruits of your labor.

Our family is interested in many type of activities, from homesteading, to writing children’s books, to crafting and creating and homeschooling, I’m sure you’ll find something you enjoy on the site.

What We Do

We raise livestock for food. We have chickens currently. We make sure they live their best life so they will provide us with the most nutritious food possible. They only have one bad day.

Click the chicken to go to our homesteading blogs. You’ll find great information about different aspects of homesteading.

Marcus is the head farmer around the farmstead. He builds everything around here himself. He’s also an author and illustrator of children’s books. He is on a mission to protect children from the corruption of grotesque agendas being pushed and to bring back the fun in children’s books while sprinkling good morals and values along the way.

Click Barry Bigfoot to see his books for sale or check him out on his very own Barry Bigfoot Shop

Melissa loves to teach. She homeschools her 2 boys. Her passions revolve around natural living, preserving, herbalism and creating with her Cricut.

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Discover the Delicate Delights of Rose Petal Tea: Benefits and Brewing Guide

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Rose Water: God’s Gift for Radiant Skin

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